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A Journey Into Unknown Page 3

  Then our body remains on the same physical location, but mind gets lost in some place where there is no space and time. Our mind lives beyond all that. It happens when our mind can't endure the sufferings, then we voluntarily allow our mind to get lost to some place which is beyond our understanding. I wanted to know about that place. I used to think that, wouldn't it be nice if we could able to control that place and then we all can live our lives happily for the eternity.

  When we can't get our goal achieved in real life, our mind searches for the place where this all could be possible. We search the place and moment which makes us feel like we are everything. This happens when we give up in real life, and yet tries to find out a peace. More likely, we create such place and time which would be favorable to our goal. It may not have the any real effect but at least it provides a peaceful mind to look out for a problem. It helps us our mind to get out of any painful or angry feeling and provides chances to take decision when we become calm.

  But today, I think that boundary of reality and fantasy got lost for me and consequence is that both dissolved into each other. The only difference from other's case is that here instead of dissolving reality into fantasy, fantasy dissolved into reality. Now, I have my way to get back everything that was once taken away from all of us… hope and willingness to live. Now, I will take revenge for everything, that made all of us suffered.

  May be, it is not the time for me to know the reason and purpose of my powers. From this moment, sole purpose of my power would be to destroy every single one of these species forever, so that they will not be able to enslave any one anymore. However, it's not that simple as it feels during talking to myself. But, I am confident enough that I will take down every single one of them. They will face their worst fate and that time I would be the one having last laugh. I will take revenge for their every action.

  Whatever will happen tomorrow, I will be there. Most importantly, I will be a part of it… and maybe I will feel responsible for that… success… or failure… I know… I want to help, but overnight… I can’t. Who I was… that is still in me. I may have the superhuman strength, I can run as well as fly… but I am still that boy who spent his whole life here… on Earth… alone, and in fear.

  I don’t know, who is my parents. I can’t remember them. I just believe that I have seen them at once but can’t remember their face. I have a blurry image of two person in my mind. They come in my dream. I suspect if they are my mother and father. But what happened today, it created a doubt in my mind, that who were they? At one moment, I didn’t care. But my power… and exactly on my 18th birthday… Do they still watch me? I have heard that Quaiak have not yet taken any one of us, who is below 18 years. So, does this count towards an idea that my parent is somewhere still watching me and cares for me.

  I don’t know, who were they. Maybe, I will able to find one day or maybe not. But, what I will do, will define me… and will set my path. It will make me to reach my goal… whatever it would be. I believe that one day, I will unravel all the mystery and do whatever I am supposed to do. But I am scared now.

  I guess, this is all about my thinking but it's not the end. I believe that you all want to know what happened next. As I have written this diary… so I believe that you guessed that I am still alive. But the question is that did I kill them and took our freedom back… or did I lose and sent to live in some place alone for eternity as a prisoner. So, here I am leaving an audio clip which is in the voice of Xoguar. He lives with one of my friend Xena. About them you will know through this audio clip. However, there is some more page left in diary. But first you should listen to the clip.

  End of Diary



  Terror of Quaiak

  Audio Clip Starts

  Finally, Mark found the path, he always desired for. He is a man of very less word, but everything is kept inside his huge mind. He always wanted to make this world a better and safer place. He always was terrified, he always felt less about himself, but inside his mind, he always thought that something will come up. He has kept his mind always to find a way to make the world to reach its destination but today, destination made a way for him with having desire that one day he would traverse that path to reach the destination.

  Sounds ironic... Maybe it isn't destiny who made a path for him. Maybe, it would be someone else. Maybe, it isn't a path. But at least he got a proper point to start with. Now, he needs to reach the place where everyone would be waiting for his arrival. He just had a dream and devoted his life to figure out a way to make this dream a reality, but just to get nothing. Instead he always lived in terror and anger, tried to end his life knowing that he can't. Maybe he was lucky that he wouldn't got hurt.

  By getting tired of all this, he has made a fantasy world to live within it. There was everything to fulfil... all his wishes except that it wasn't real. But today all he did is nothing and end up with having extremely superhuman powers, that he always dreamt of. He just needed now to figure out a way to defeat Quaiak, and this would be his way to say thanks to them, who trusted on him with this extra ordinary strength, and it would be a survival plan for the humanity who still exists and dreams for better future. However, he felt a little that he cheated or maybe not. He doesn't know what happened in that night or maybe he will never know. But this is a sour reality that whatever we do, doesn't matter. Only thing matter is with having what, we end up. He may have cheated to get appropriate position, but in the end his result matters the most and no one would care for his way when he will become successful with the help of that result.

  He has many questions in his mind. He has some blurry memories which he tries to memorize what happened with him that night. But it is not that easy. He can’t remember anything, because it looks like someone has taken out his memory of that night. He doesn’t remember what happened, but he can feel. He feels like maybe someone had tried to help him. That night was full of mystery which maybe containing a lot within itself. It may have many clues to reach the center of puzzle. But it is the time when he need to decide that what is more important, knowing his past or making a better present and future. He needs to decide between these two paths, and he need to do this quickly. He could recall a blurry image of a mysterious person who might have appeared in yesterday night’s dream… or maybe that wasn’t a dream.

  Like almost everyone else, he is also alone here, and he himself is supposed to make a wise decision. At one hand, his mind is telling him that if he will try to dig into that night and if he somehow gets succeed in finding the one who tried to help, then perhaps suffering will end in a moment with their help. But suddenly he got a thought contradicting the first one that if they would be ready to help this world, then why he was given the opportunity… Why didn’t that mysterious person send himself in light? His mind strikes out with an idea, what if he was chosen to send the darkness back into their own realm. What if the mysterious person doesn't want to help him anymore or maybe he can't do. That's why they trusted him and this time, it is his duty to stand on someone else's trust.

  It sounds like he has understood the purpose of his life and this is the call of his humanity. He is ready to secure everyone’s survival… to make sure that their hope will remain alive. He will fight the war and will give, whatever it would take. His way is very much clear, and he can see through it. He found a way that was forgotten and through this path, he will take everyone to the place which was forbidden. He will take everyone to show them what is the meaning of living with hope and how it feels.

  Today, Mark cleared his mind to make the situation better. It is way ahead of his personal maturity, but he can devote himself to secure one's hope. But he doesn't know how to fight. He is just 18 years old who has lived all his life in fear just hoping that one day it will get better, but today he got the responsibility to make everything, he hoped for. He doesn't know where to find them. Even that he doesn't know, what is capacity and limitation of the powers, he got. But pe
rhaps this is time to find out.

  So, basically, he is planning to face a super intelligent and super powered species which used to enslave the whole planet and whose origin is fully unknown to everyone. No one knows from which galaxy or which part of the universe, they belong to. No one even had any idea that what they are capable of.

  Now, he is not only physically got more powerful, but his mind is also running fast. He is ready to understand many things. He can think life from other's perspective. He can sense the fear spread on whole Earth. He can sense that people are praying God to overcome the fear. He even tried to think life from Quaiak's perspective, but he doesn't want to. He doesn't want any part of his mind telling him that maybe at some extent Quaiak would be right. He knows that Quaiak is his enemy and he just wanted to believe this.

  He tried to think how he can overcome himself, from the fear of Quaiak's advanced technology. He needed to analyze their activity and he did. He wants to find their weakness where he can attack. He easily figured out that they have kept the satellite all over the Earth to watch all the time. It was a sad news for him, and he got dis-hearted to know this. As per his opinion, he is not ready to fight.

  Now, he had to figure out the time when they don't watch them, so that he can utilize those time for his own practice and can get to know his own strength. He analyzed their arrival and departure. He finds out some shocking thing even about himself. As these powers of his wasn't only physical, but psychological too. Now, he can understand some part of technology, that they were using in their spaceship. But he gets disappointed to know that their satellite's eye remains always on whole planet.

  But it didn't take much for him to figure out that when their ship comes on Earth, they don't use their satellite to take the view of the incidents happening there. And, he figured out that his ship is so fast that it takes only five second to do their activity. So, he figured out that he would have only ten second daily to do his practice and test about his ability. He will get only ten second in one day because no matter how much person they need to take, they land on planet only two times. First time, he lands on planet to take them and second time, for leaving the tortured people back on Earth, which maybe was taken on some other day. Obviously, there is more ship lands and since they can land anywhere on planet, so their satellites do not observe whole Earth for that time and so, he can get out of their sight and do whatever he wants to.

  He was thinking about all that, then he just saw their ship which is about to land. At first, he thought to go for them to take down, but he got forced to convince himself that he is not ready. Then, suddenly he listened people crying for help. He turned back and saw there was a fire out in the factory. Perhaps it is the time to start his mission to save everyone and spread the hope. Quaiak weren’t watching him at this moment, and so he could use his powers to see that how much potential he got. He reached near the factory.

  It is evening, and the Sun is going down. He saw there is two people trapped in fire and no one else is there… All other have already went to his home. He ran around the fire very fast. It was like he is at all the place around the fire at once due to his speed… and so disconnecting the fire’s reach to environmental oxygen… and fire went out. He takes out both, and left them to theirs home, and ran away. He was so fast that no one even felt what just happened. No one could able to see his face. When he came back, he saw they were leaving. According to clock that he calculated, it took him around 1.57 second to do all this.

  Both came out of fire and They are safe at home, however scared but was thanking to God for helping and saving their lives. Those two tried to talk about this to many people but most of them didn't believe. Someone called that incident miracle, whereas others called that bullshit, claiming that those two were either drunk or dreaming. As there was no clue of fire there anymore and that factory was far away from the people. So, no one had seen that fire. But those who believed on those people felt like a hope that someone is out there for them… Someone is out there to show the hope and give them a way to live in light again.

  So, he understood that he is fast. He knows that now. He got intelligence and understands many things including Quaiak’s technologies. But is he powerful enough to fight those insane creatures? Could he be able to fight them, or will he hold back? Is he still afraid? He needs to figure out this. These questions are teasing him now. He is not a well-trained fighter. He hasn't had any training and the important thing is that there is no one there to train him. So, he is at his own.

  However, he was happy and coming by after saving these two people. He stopped suddenly. He saw many people standing in circle and covering someone. They were crying. Mark went close to ask, "What happened? Why are you all crying?"

  "They took her.... They took her...," Her family member is still crying.

  "She was so sweet and kind.... What they will do to her.... I have never met someone like her..."

  All these words baffled Mark. It made him feel responsible that this all happened just because he ran away.

  But still he is trying to come up with a strategy. Only one thing he knows that any technological advanced weapon made on Earth doesn't affect them. He is fast. He got his own energy blast. He can oxidize any object producing the exothermic reaction. He can contain the energy within himself and use it on his enemy. He prefers this to call his energy blast. He can keep the energy for future use too.

  So, he wants to make sure if his energy blast can be powerful enough to hurt Quaiak. Also, his speed should be comparable or more than them. But he is not sure if his powers are enough to face them. He can't fly or run to test himself anytime, as he is afraid that they will know about his existence and then their attack may be at the time when he would be the most unprepared. So, he had to make these things sure, before leaving himself to jump into open war against them.



  Path to Destinatio


  It is daily routine of Quaiak, to take some people of their own planet, and play with those people. They don’t care if it hurts people. They don’t care if this kills people from inside and makes them, living like morons… without any respect… even without physical security. Everyone knows the condition of one, when they return people back on the planet. Everyone can think, what they would be doing with those innocent young people. It could be easily imagined after seeing condition of those people.

  And so… that day passed. Sun went down. Night came… with terrifying darkness kept within itself… people have lights inside home… but outside… they don’t have courage to go outside. Mark came to his bed. He still hears that voice. He held himself back and that innocent girl paid the price. How he would be able to show his face to the world, when they will come to know that he didn’t do anything despite of being capable. He can’t sleep. He is walking outside, just wants to make that voice go away… but it isn’t going. That voice is echoing in his head saying he is a coward. Maybe, he doesn’t care about being coward, but he cares about people… and their hope.

  The night passed somehow, and so the terrifying darkness. This is morning… a new start to the day… but day will remain same… everyone knows this. They will again come for someone and will make life of those people difficult and miserable. It doesn’t change. This may have become a fact and almost everyone has accepted it. This is daytime. Sun as its peak. Mark sees there is another ship approaching to Earth. Mark is not very away. Perhaps, first time he sees their ship from so close.

  It looked like a small, but magnificent, and well-designed piece of horror describing the mentality of those monsters. As it came close, it appears to be bigger, and dust cloud started to appear as it approached the atmosphere with very high speed. Blue light coming from it is making them scarier. Protected by artificial drone from every direction and controlled by highly advanced super computers… their technologies were light year ahead compare to any other alien space-ship.

  This time, they were after a p
erson named Olen. They were about to take him, but then Mark reached there… regretting for previous time, when he couldn’t help that innocent girl. He is there hidden from their sight and is thinking the ideas to take them down. But as he saw their ship and understood their advanced technology, he gets scared and he couldn't able to do it. His hands and feet froze, out of fear. He tried to lift his feet but couldn’t succeed.

  He saw while they were dragging Olen into spaceship. He saw those 2 second of moments very clearly. Olen's face that got pale out of fear made him cry. Olen's expression is looking so real even at that much speed… but then he found out that when Quaiak takes anybody with them, Quaiak give that person specific and temporary power of speed to realize the terror, so that he or she can see shattering their own world forever. So, that all expression and fear was real.

  His feet stopped as he saw Olen's terrified face. He is trying to move, but he can't. He is feeling like somebody has tied him to spend his rest of life at the same place. For the instance, he is feeling too much guilt and for him it is like, everything has become static and quiet. Burden of guilt is making him feel that either this world doesn't exist anymore, or he is not part of it.

  As he started getting normal, he saw something strange in the sky. It has only five minutes spent, and they are coming back again. Mark used his far vision to see them and to his surprise this is the same spaceship that went out before. As they were landing, he went there. They came here to return those which they had taken before, and Mark is in front of Olen who is now completely disfigured, bleeding and unable to speak anything. His body was burnt by undying fire. His condition is much pathetic like he was kept somewhere for months.