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A Journey Into Unknown Page 6
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Page 6
Mark told Emily to stay there and he himself came in open. Their leader Qepon came in his path and fight started. A single blow from Mark made Qepon fly into outer space. However, Qepon managed to survive in space, but Mark came before him only to get a powerful punch from Qepon. He was pushed far away by Qepon and was worried for Emily that how he would rescue her. There, he saw many of the rebellion’s pods getting destroyed, who came to help him after getting distress signal. He saw one of the pods going uncontrolled after death of its pilot.
Mark took that pod. He saw the light beam coming from Quaiak’s ship to kill him. He showed his incredible strength and speed in this moment. It looked like he lifted the pod, used his brilliant speed to save them from the attack and came near the ship of Quaiak. When those attacks couldn’t able to touch them, then on the order of Qepon, Qan came in his path. Mark also came out of the rebellion pod as he didn’t want any harm for that pod. At first Qan, on seeing Mark, put his hand on his nose… It made mark laugh, and then he gave Qan a punch powered with his energy blast. It broke Qan into small, but thousands of particles providing instant death for him.
Mark came onto that rebellion’s pod again. He didn't need that pod, but he couldn't rescue Emily without pod. He stopped the pod, came into Quaiak's ship. He saw one of Quaiak approaching her to take back and then Mark came. One more punch and that was second kill of Mark in that very short moment. He took her and told that she is safe now. As that pod was designed to sit only one person. So, he told, “Sit in this. I will send you to safe location.”
“How,” Emily asked.
“Rebellions told me their temporary war base coordinate,” Mark told, “I can program this pod to take you there.”
“But, how can you trust them,” Emily asked. She was still scared.
“I don’t… That’s why I am coming with you,” Mark told.
And Mark went with Emily flying through space as she was inside the pod. Rest of the rebellion were still fighting, but there was very few left and this moment without Mark they were very weak. Whereas, Mark went to that place where pod took Emily. That was one of the war-base of those rebellion, that was on a large asteroid. He gives her safety layer. Emily asked, “What is this?”
Mark told her, “It is safety layer. It will keep you safe… just wear this. I can make this with the help of my power.”
He also gives her a communication device saying her to call him on seeing any kind of problem. He would reach instantly there. Then, he came back to fight.
As Mark came back to fight, again Qepon was waiting him. But, he couldn't able to tolerate Mark's powerful punch mixed with energy blast. Qepon got injured severely. One more punch and Qepon couldn't able to fight for his life anymore. Qepon died on the spot and then that ship was without its leader. 3 of those were died, but 7 still left and it was tough to kill each one by one… on seeing that in every moment, how many rebellion pod and warrior they were losing. Mark had returned with one of their pods, in which Emily had gone. This time he vibrated the whole pod with that specific frequency and entered in Quaiak's ship destroying everything came into his path.
He destroyed a lot from inside. Intense damage to the ship made shields down. This was the best moment for Mark so far, as first time he saw fear in those alien's eyes. They were afraid of death. They didn't stop fighting, but without their shield, their ship couldn't able to tolerate rebellion’s attack for much time. In next moment, their ship was broken, and they were out in space. Mark knew that also without their ship they can survive, and they were using their ships just to increase the speed and be protective against the kind of livings which were attacking on them right now.
But even without their ship, they were much powerful against others. Then, Mark came in between destroying everything came to his path. He started fighting them two or even more at a time. As rebellions saw him fighting Quaiak, it boosted their confidence and they attacked with their full strength. Mark alone killed three of them in a few moments. He felt that he is much faster and stronger than those aliens. He got injured but they get weak and continuous attack from those rebellions ultimately killed each of them. This was their first victory against Quaiak. He wasn't happy only because he won, but also now he had some friends with him to go into war against Quaiak. He got alliance against his most powerful enemy, but first he had to know about them and Quaiak too.
But the place where they were, was completely looking mysterious. Earth was not looking anywhere close to this place. Mark had seen them coming through a mysterious passage, but he needed to know their location. Where were they? Were they in some other galaxy? If yes, then how they reached there. There was a lot of question adding mystery and he thought that those people can only answer all these. Having these thoughts in mind, Mark wants to go to the place where all-of those rebellion lives.
Help from Gleberian
They get their first victory. This moment isn’t any less than dream for Mark. Since when he got the power… this was the first thing he did, about which he can be proud of. But now he understands that how much tough, his remaining journey is going to be. Those rebellions also know. They had already lost many of them as well as many fighting pods.
Mark has a lot of question in his mind due to recent activity. How he ended up on the place which looks completely mysterious. Will he be able to reach on Earth again? Those rebellions told him to come with them to the place where they all lives. Mark also thought that they may be able to help him to understand what this place is. So, he accepted the proposal. They also provided a pod to Emily and they all are going to the main base where all those rebellions live.
In his way, he saw many planets there, but they all were demolished. None of them were showing any sign of life. But the atmosphere and every other thing were showing that there would have been life on those planets. Those rebellions told Mark that all these planets you can see, were captured by Quaiak one by one and now you can see what is left.
Condition is terrible there. There is not any life exist. 'Once they must have been, full of life like Earth,' Mark thought, 'But, today… what they did.' There are many small celestial objects, like meteoroids, comets, dust cloud and many more around here. They all are flowing through empty space aimlessly, as if they were witness of terror that Quaiak imposed on nearby livings. They are quiet, as if they are trying to say, what it looked like listening scream of every individual.
Finally, Mark reached to their main base. However, it wasn’t any place. Their main base was hanging in space. They introduced them self as the Quaiak's destroyer. It is looking a nice name except that they were struggling to find a single way to defeat Quaiak. Mark thanked them for saving his life and rescuing Emily.
They asked, "From where distress signal was coming."
"It was Quaiak’s ship. I used their ship to release distress signal," Mark told, but he can clearly see the sign of disbelief on their face.
At first, they laughed, then surprised realizing that Mark is telling the truth.
"Oh..., and then finally you destroyed that ship to attain this victory. I thought that we will able to get that ship, which we can use in upcoming war," someone told.
"Which war," Mark knew the answer, but just wanted to confirm.
"Well, you know… We are here to defeat Quaiak and kill every single of them… and we will," he seemed confident, but he really had no idea what he just said.
"Yeah, we will," Mark just supported them.
"So, from where you are," someone else asked.
And they were seeing each-others face when Mark used the name Earth, like this name is complete strange to them. Then, Mark told them its coordinate in outer space and he could easily recognize their unbelievable face. According to their calculation, currently they are millions of light year away from Earth and this is a completely mysterious thing.
They took Mark to the member of their board council. Their chief, G
louco greeted him warmly. They are happy, as this is the first time, when they actually won against Quaiak. Mark told them everything. Even he demonstrated his power. They seemed very excited.
Mark asked, "Where is Emily?"
"She is safe. She was scared, but now she is okay," Glouco told.
"I want to meet her," Mark wanted to see her.
They told Mark, where she is. Mark went to meet her. She was happy. He could tell from her face that she has delight in her eye.
"Hey, it's good to see you, again" Mark told in delighted tone.
She was quiet upset with him for hiding his super powers, "Why didn't you tell me? Do you even know, how I was feeling when they were taking me away?"
"Hey, it's okay. Now, I am with you. No one can harm you anymore. You are alright," Mark tried to comfort her, "I promise that I will tell you everything and will always keep you away from trouble."
“I was kidding… I know you will do… I remember your word that you said on the ship,” Emily had a way to make fun of him.
“You… You lier…” then they both started laughing.
“I thought you were in shock,” Mark said after some time.
“Yeah… I was. But still I remembered,” Emily said sarcastically.
She told him about everything that happened to her during stay among these people. She told that they are really nice people. They talked for a bit. Mark did everything to comfort her. But he had to come back, so he told that he need to go now. Then, she hugged him and for a moment he felt like whole world came to him. He returned against his will.
Glouco took Mark to his personal chamber. There, Glouco revealed everything. He gave Mark many useful information about these extremely powerful Quaiak. He told Mark describing that from many years, they are here to know about Quaiak. He told Mark that they are far advanced than Earthling (people on Earth).
Mark asked, “Don’t you have any planet? Why do you live in space?”
“Don’t worry. I will tell you everything,” Glouco told.
Glouco started telling about himself. His planet’s name was Gleberia. They were conducting some experiments to populate their people into space to make sure that their planet will not die due to overburden. He told Mark, "we had developed that technology to flourish our species into space. We found a mysterious small sphere emitting blue light in empty space. Later, we learnt that we can use this sphere to create artificial gravity. My grandfather was the head of that mission and in their lead, we conducted successful experiment. We could able to grow food and we could get anything that was needed for survival. He sent some person to Gleberia, to tell them about our success. On his command, five people, in their respective pod went to Gleberia. That was great moment to celebrate. But then… then he observed something heartbreaking. They couldn't able to reach to the Gleberia, instead got killed in their way. He sent one more team and same thing happened to them. Later they realized there was unbreakable shield around whole planet and there is no way in. He tried and did everything that he could, but everything was in vain. He couldn't sustain this trauma and he ultimately died. My father was just a small child then."
After a short break and with a teary face, he continued: "like I told, we could do everything, even in space. So, they didn't give up. They understood that one day we will able to enter in our planet atmosphere and so that much time they need to protect our species. They were even less than 1% of the whole population and they had oxygen and other resources for centuries. They continued their daily activity, even they continued reproduction. That's how we existed so far. We saw many unsuccessful attempts, to enter in our planet but of no use. We then came to know that this all wasn't nature's call. But a very powerful and strong species was doing this. We tried to know about them but found nothing except their planet name – Quak, and so they call them self Quaiak."
He took another break thinking about their own kind and continued: "We also encountered them, but it was nothing. Every time, our fighter gets killed without giving any harm to their ship and them. One day, we saw that shield coming out and thought that darkness ended. We were so happy. We went to our planet, only to see that everyone is dead. Then, we came to know what happened with them in all those years. That was limit of cruelty. My father was a grown man then and was chosen the leader of all of us. Whatever happened on our planet, this thing broke his heart. He swears to take revenge and all other were with him. After all, we are the few of our kind, who are yet alive. However, we couldn't able to make them any harm until today. We also tried to find out their planet… Quak, but I think it doesn’t exist now, but it was you who became the cause of our first victory."
He told Mark that according to Earth's calendar, they can survive for more than thousand years. Mark asked him, “Do you have any idea, how I got my powers.” He first smiled and then told, "The real reason can be anything. Your purpose may be anything. But this time, your own people is in danger. So, your first priority should be to save them so that your fate would not be same as ours." And Mark couldn't be more agreed with him. Then he started telling Mark everything that he came to know about Quaiak in those year.
As the time passed, Glouco asked Mark, “I didn’t even give you chance to introduce yourself properly. I know you are brave… kind… and want to help others… But why are you doing this… From where you are?”
Mark said… in fact asked, “Have you heard the name of Milky way galaxy,” till now Mark seemed to understand that he is in some other galaxy.
Glouco pressurized on his mind, and tried to recall, “I do not remember exactly, but I think that I have heard the name. Ohh…. Forgot… one of my members just said that your galaxy name is… what… you are from other galaxy!!!”
“It seems that you understood, now,” Mark said.
“Then why you reached there,” Glouco asked.
“I don’t know exactly… but I came to your galaxy by sitting inside Quaiak’s ship. They took Emily and flied. I came before them and before they would pass through a mysterious passage… I went into ship…” Mark was telling.
But, Glouco interrupted in middle, “Mysterious passage? How did it look like?”
“I haven’t seen it clearly, but it seemed a 3-dimensional spherical shape, but as we went close to it… it started getting flatter and then it converted into a hole… which was a passage they took to reach there.” Mark told.
“Come with me,” Glouco told, and he took Mark to their observatory room. He showed Mark some picture and asked, “does this picture looks similar to you.”
“Yes…,” Mark told, “But, what is this?”
Glouco asked, “Did that passage was already there?”
“No… That was not there… I saw, they did something… a mysterious beam came out of their ship and that passage appears there from nowhere,” Mark replied.
“It means, my doubt was right,” Glouco talked to himself… just a little louder.
“What doubt… what is this?” Mark asked again.
“This is called wormhole,” Glouco said.
“And what is this wormhole and about what doubt, you are talking,” Mark asked with curiosity.
Glouco replied, “What this suggest is that Quaiak is not powerful or technologically advance civilization only, but they are intelligent enough to play with space-time. They can fold space-time to open a portal anytime and anywhere in space to reach any known destination within no time. They can create and wipe out the wormhole at their will by folding space through higher dimension. That’s why you are millions of light year away from your home,".
Glouco told Mark that there isn't any wormhole exists right now, so he will have to wait for them to create a wormhole if he wants to return to his home. Mark agreed with Glouco as he didn't have any other choice.
There was always something about this universe that always used to amaze Mark from very earlier time. From always, he had a curiosity to understand and solve all the mystery about everything. He knew it wasn't that simpl
e but just had a kind of excitement that he will find all that one day. Today, he started to know many things, but he is feeling terrified about knowing their power and perhaps there is much more left to know.
Well in mean-time, as Mark was trapped there with them. He can't fly to travel millions of light year to reach on Earth. He is somewhere else, in some other galaxy and has nothing to do. So, he went to Glouco to find, if he can learn some new thing. He came to know that in recent times they had found something mysterious, which they couldn’t understand. He told Mark to give that a shot, if he would understand something.
First Glouco took Mark to their classified room, where very few of them are allowed. He told Mark indicating towards a device, “Few days ago, our security lead found this device, but this is not ours. We named it Erask, but we haven’t even seen this earlier anywhere. We have no idea that how this came here.”
“Let me take a look on it,” Mark said.
That device looked like just a simple printer… but Mark couldn’t able to use it even after spending more than 10 hours there. He accepted his failure, and asked Glouco if they have some-thing else.
Glouco took him to their communication room. There, he showed him stating that someone else had contacted them few days ago. Glouco told that they got some message.
Mark asked, "why didn't you yet told me about this?"
Glouco told, "We aren't yet sure what is this. we found this message as some sort of communication, but that was encrypted and there wasn't any key to decrypt."